Canesten Nagelpilz

Fight Nail Fungus Directly with Canesten Extra Nail Kit

Effective and Convenient Treatment

Nail fungus can be a stubborn and unsightly problem, but it doesn't have to be. The Canesten Extra Nail Kit offers an effective and convenient solution for combating nail fungus.

Eliminates Fungal Infections

The Canesten Extra Nail Kit contains a urea-based ointment that penetrates the nail plate to target the fungal infection at its source. It effectively eliminates the fungal pathogens, preventing them from spreading and causing further damage.

Visible Results in 2 Weeks

With regular use, you can expect to see visible improvements in your nail health within just 2 weeks. The infected nail will gradually become clearer and healthier as the Canesten Extra Nail Kit works its magic.

Canesten 24 Week Short Therapy

For a more comprehensive treatment, consider the Canesten 24 Week Short Therapy. This therapy combines the Canesten Extra Nail Kit with Canesten Extra Cream for enhanced effectiveness. The 2-phase short therapy is designed to combat nail fungus quickly and efficiently.

How to Use the Canesten Extra Nail Kit

Using the Canesten Extra Nail Kit is easy. Simply apply the urea-based ointment to the affected nail twice daily. The kit also includes a nail file for removing any dead or loose nail tissue.

Fight Nail Fungus with Confidence

Don't let nail fungus ruin your nail health. Choose the Canesten Extra Nail Kit today and experience the benefits of an effective and convenient treatment. It's time to restore your nail health and embrace healthy, beautiful nails.

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